Custom CLI Commands

New in v24.12

This feature was added in version 24.12

Sanic ships with a CLI for running the Sanic server. Sometimes, you may have the need to enhance that CLI to run your own custom commands. Commands are invoked using the following basic pattern:

sanic exec <command> [--arg=value]

To enable this, you can use your Sanic app instance to wrap functions that can be callable from the CLI using the @app.command decorator.

async def hello(name="world"):
    print(f"Hello, {name}.")

Now, you can easily invoke this command using the exec action.

sanic exec hello --name=Adam

Command handlers can be either synchronous or asynchronous. The handler can accept any number of keyword arguments, which will be passed in from the CLI.

By default, the name of the function will be the command name. You can override this by passing the name argument to the decorator.

async def hello(name="world"):
    print(f"Hello, {name}.")
sanic exec greet --name=Adam


This feature is still in BETA and may change in future versions. There is no type coercion or validation on the arguments passed in from the CLI, and the CLI will ignore any return values from the command handler. Future enhancements and changes are likely.

Added in v24.12