
The next important building block are your handlers. These are also sometimes called "views".

In Sanic, a handler is any callable that takes at least a sanic.request.Request instance as an argument, and returns either an sanic.response.HTTPResponse instance, or a coroutine that does the same.

Huh? πŸ˜•

It is a function; either synchronous or asynchronous.

The job of the handler is to respond to an endpoint and do something. This is where the majority of your business logic will go.

def i_am_a_handler(request):
    return HTTPResponse()

async def i_am_ALSO_a_handler(request):
    return HTTPResponse()

Two more important items to note:

  1. You almost never will want to use sanic.response.HTTPresponse directly. It is much simpler to use one of the convenience methods.

    • from sanic import json
    • from sanic import html
    • from sanic import redirect
    • etc
  2. As we will see in the streaming section, you do not always need to return an object. If you use this lower-level API, you can control the flow of the response from within the handler, and a return object is not used.

Heads up

If you want to learn more about encapsulating your logic, checkout class based views. For now, we will continue forward with just function-based views.

A simple function-based handler#

The most common way to create a route handler is to decorate the function. It creates a visually simple identification of a route definition. We'll learn more about routing soon.

Let's look at a practical example.

  • We use a convenience decorator on our app instance: @app.get()
  • And a handy convenience method for generating out response object: text()

Mission accomplished πŸ’ͺ

from sanic import text

async def foo_handler(request):
    return text("I said foo!")

A word about async...#

It is entirely possible to write handlers that are synchronous.

In this example, we are using the blocking time.sleep() to simulate 100ms of processing time. Perhaps this represents fetching data from a DB, or a 3rd-party website.

Using four (4) worker processes and a common benchmarking tool:

  • 956 requests in 30.10s
  • Or, about 31.76 requests/second
def sync_handler(request):
    return text("Done.")

Just by changing to the asynchronous alternative asyncio.sleep(), we see an incredible change in performance. πŸš€

Using the same four (4) worker processes:

  • 115,590 requests in 30.08s
  • Or, about 3,843.17 requests/second


async def async_handler(request):
    await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
    return text("Done.")

Okay... this is a ridiculously overdramatic result. And any benchmark you see is inherently very biased. This example is meant to over-the-top show the benefit of async/await in the web world. Results will certainly vary. Tools like Sanic and other async Python libraries are not magic bullets that make things faster. They make them more efficient.

In our example, the asynchronous version is so much better because while one request is sleeping, it is able to start another one, and another one, and another one, and another one...

But, this is the point! Sanic is fast because it takes the available resources and squeezes performance out of them. It can handle many requests concurrently, which means more requests per second.

A common mistake!

Don't do this! You need to ping a website. What do you use? pip install your-fav-request-library πŸ™ˆ

Instead, try using a client that is async/await capable. Your server will thank you. Avoid using blocking tools, and favor those that play well in the asynchronous ecosystem. If you need recommendations, check out Awesome Sanic.

Sanic uses httpx inside of its testing package (sanic-testing) πŸ˜‰.

A fully annotated handler#

For those that are using type annotations...

from sanic.response import HTTPResponse, text
from sanic.request import Request

async def typed_handler(request: Request) -> HTTPResponse:
    return text("Done.")

Naming your handlers#

All handlers are named automatically. This is useful for debugging, and for generating URLs in templates. When not specified, the name that will be used is the name of the function.

For example, this handler will be named foo_handler.

# Handler name will be "foo_handler"
async def foo_handler(request):
    return text("I said foo!")

However, you can override this by passing the name argument to the decorator.

# Handler name will be "foo"
@app.get("/foo", name="foo")
async def foo_handler(request):
    return text("I said foo!")

In fact, as you will, there may be times when you MUST supply a name. For example, if you use two decorators on the same function, you will need to supply a name for at least one of them.

If you do not, you will get an error and your app will not start. Names must be unique within your app.

# Two handlers, same function,
# different names:
# - "foo_arg"
# - "foo"
@app.get("/foo/<arg>", name="foo_arg")
async def foo(request, arg=None):
    return text("I said foo!")